Questions & Answers

Is anyone successfully using Drumcore 4 with Studio One 5?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2021 in Studio One 5 by robertiodice (130 points)
Hi all, last October, I bought a Dell XPS-13 laptop and installed Studio One 4 professional and Sonoma Wireworks Drumcore 4 Prime. Worked great. Then the Dell developed a problem and had to be returned to the factory - motherboard, HDD and battery replaced. Had to reinstall Windows 10 (home version) and this time I installed Studio One 5 but I can't get it to recognize the DC4 VST plugin. I've had tons of support (including screen share) from Sonoma Wireworks and their distributor, Ilio. Still can't get Studio One 5 to see the plugin yet it can see my other IK Multimedia VST3 plugins. Makes me wonder whether in the evolution from S1-4 to S1-5, something with the VST plugin broke in such a way as to affect Drumcore's compatibility with S1. Sooooo, it would be super helpful to know whether someone out there is successfully using DC4 with S1-5. Conversely, if you've run in to the same problem that I have, that would be a helpful data point to know. TIA.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 19, 2022 by petercogdell (140 points)
A rather late response but here in Feb 2022 I'm having the same problem - Studio One 5 cannot see the Drumcore VST3. I also use Reaper and Cubase and they can 'see' and load Drumcore with no problems.

The workaround is to have Studio One as a rewire master and Reaper as a slave with Drumcore added. Hope that helps.