Questions & Answers

Has anyone successfully got the Akai mini Mpk3 to work in Studio One version 5

0 votes
asked Sep 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jeremiahdavis1 (180 points)
The Akai Mini MPK3 is fairly new so Akai doesn't have any information on setting up with the latest version of Studio One. The problem is S1v5 has the mini as a preset when you go to set up the midi controller. The pads and keyboard works fine but the knobs won't function even after assigning them. You can't do MIDI learn because S1 already has it as a preset so that option isn't there. When you go to edit and set up the Knobs are already being read they just won't control anything after assigning them.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 17, 2020 by chrisyard (240 points)
Tried this a couple weeks ago (traded the MK3 for a KB with more keys so can't give you exact info). You can use the preset for the keys/pads but you need to add a generic Control Surface to get the knobs working properly. You can use the same MIDI in port IIRC.
+1 vote
answered Jul 21, 2022 by bradleydipietro (160 points)

I know this is years later, but I wanted to expand on @chrisyard's control source solution:

  1. Click Studio One > Options > External Devices
  2. Click Add then select New Control Surface from the list on the left
  3. Give the device a name that's meaningful to you and select MPK Mini 3 in the Receive From field
  4. Click OK to create the control source
  5. Open the instrument editor 
  6. Select the control source you created in the field at the very top right of the instrument editor
You should now be able to turn a knob, right click a parameter, and then assign the recently turned knob to that parameter.
There may be easier ways to do this, but that's what got it working for me. Hope it helps!