Questions & Answers

Automation-ready "Text Track" - Notes that change with time

+2 votes
asked Aug 1, 2021 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by kaihanglee (890 points)
edited Aug 1, 2021 by kaihanglee
Can we get a simple text editor, that sync with the time line

So we can enter notes like

"take a deep breath" for the vocalist , or,

"Changing to Gm key" for the soloist ,or,

"Gain return to 6.8" for the guitarist ,or,

"Play outro near fretboard" for the bassist ,or,

"2 extra beat before chorus 2" for the drummer ,or,

"The vocalist wish the keep the sibilance in this section" for the mixing engineer ,or,

"Exaggerate the room tone from this line" for the sound designer

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