Questions & Answers

Accurate direct playback from the score is the holy grail

+9 votes
asked Aug 10, 2021 in Score Editor by joeallen2 (560 points)
Composers are crying out for accurate playback directly from the score so NO additional editing in the note editor and automation lane is required. A key problem at the moment is that dynamic markings do not change dynamics(!) for the majority of orchestral libraries. Please let us assign p, pp, f etc and hairpins to a MIDI CC of our choice so this will actually work.

But overall as the title says please put more emphasis on playback. All the technology is HERE NOW for a "score to professional sounding mockup" experience. Staffpad has nailed it. You could too and it would be amazing. I guarantee you would see a mass migration of film composers to Studio One. This is THE feature we want.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 17, 2021 by johnwaylett (1,490 points)
Agreed wholeheartedly .. we need complete stave by stave (instrument by instrument) control of dynamics and hairpins (user picks the cc). We also need to be able to assign symbols to ALL articulations, not just some. My BBCSO Core violins and other instruments have articulations for which there are no available musical symbols in the sound variations edit window. Why not provide the user the ability to edit/add some custom names in the musical symbol window and assign them to their unique articulations. Instead of having to go to the palette every time to select a musical symbol for an articulation, why not let us select a note and/or notes in score view and then right click for a list of available music symbols to assign. This would greatly increase user productivity.