Questions & Answers

The score editor should not force its own interpretation!

+4 votes
asked Mar 10, 2024 in Score Editor by ramtindidab (630 points)
The score editor translated midi notes to music score which is cool, but sometimes it just tries to simplify them (example: changing obvious, quantized to grid triplets to normal notes, or removing ties from this bar to the next one and putting silence in between although there's clear extension of the note in the piano roll to the next bat), but still this is not the main problem.

This is the main problem: even after editing the scores translated from the piano roll in the score editor and strictly telling it THIS IS THE WAY (and using "Quantize to Notation" changes nothing in the piano roll, so the edited notation is precisely the one intended), if you add some notes to the piano roll many bars after that, all the editing you had done on the score will be gone, and Studio One changes those edited notes in the score back to the initially-interpreted-by-itself's ones!

Same thing happens if you edit the score in an event and copy-paste it to another line (even if the other line has the exact same score template, clef, rhythm, ...)!

This gives a huge headache! When someone says this is the correct way of notation, Studio One should respect that until something in that bar is changed (and even if you move a note up and down in the piano roll should not change anything rhythmically).


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2024 by dsdgsdsdsdgs (780 points)

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