Questions & Answers

Collapse All in Instruments, Effects, Loops and Files Views

+10 votes
asked Aug 20, 2021 in Look and Feel by simonleserve (260 points)

The Instruments, Effects, Loops, Files views are slow to navigate. 

It's a headache, each time I try to find something in these views 

A collapse all feature would really improve this workflow step.

Please implement a "collapse all folders" function in the Instruments, Effects, Loops, Files views.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Aug 23, 2021 by Fornicras (2,090 points)
selected Aug 23, 2021 by simonleserve
Best answer
You can use "Alt + Up Arrow" to collapse all folders.

Edit: You can also use "Alt + Left Arrow" to close the current folder.