Questions & Answers

Can you change the functions/paremeter control of the knobs on the atom sq?

+4 votes
asked Sep 17, 2021 in Atom Pad Controllers by rotemcohen (1,160 points)

anyone knows if i can assign any function to the knobs for global control for scrolling, zooming, selecting etc? or change the controls while holding shift and turning the knobs. real potential for a lot of control in s1 from the atom sq. would love to see a feature that would let me assign any parameter or function to the knobs, and with extra banks it would be just amazing. if there is anything that im missing please let me know! !

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Sep 19, 2021 by fabriziol (250 points)
it seems to me that it is not possible to add global functionality to the knobs and not even "macros".