Questions & Answers

Sound Variation mode for Atom SQ

+2 votes
asked Jul 14, 2024 in Atom Pad Controllers by ChrisPiatt (270 points)
The Atom SQ would be a perfect controller for switching between sound variations/articulations if it had a mode where the pads lit up to reflect the different colors of each sound variation available in Studio One on the currently selected track and pushing the pad changed the articulation.

I would want the Atom SQ to recognize which sound variations are available and linked to which MIDI notes automatically, but would settle for manual setup if that's not feasible. As a bonus feature it would be awesome if the Atom SQ just skipped any "whitespace" between sound variation mappings when displaying them. So, if I have some sound variations mapped from C-2 to C-1, and then I had some additional variations mapped from C+7 to C+8, I would like for the Atom SQ to just display them all in one view without having to scroll all the way up through the octaves.

Please PreSonus! I need thissss...