Questions & Answers

StudioLive 24:4:2 AI Aux Mix 3/4 into OBS

+1 vote
asked Sep 24, 2021 in Ai Mixers by bencooper15 (160 points)
I can't figure out how to send my custom Aux Mix 3/4 out of the firewire into my Mac, so that I can insert that into OBS. My board is connected to the Mac, and I can see all 24 channels in Capture 3, I just don;t know what "mix" Capture is seeing. It appears to be the main mix. Can I make that an Aux mix? I've looked around UC for hours in the AUX routing area, but can't figure out how to accomplish this. Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 21, 2021 by mackjohnson1 (78,440 points)
selected Apr 21, 2022 by mackjohnson1
Best answer

Since OBS will only pick up 2 channels of audio and both channels are received pre fader into OBS, one work around is to run the aux mix 3/4into a USB interface and then into OBS. 

Another way would be to skip channel 1 & 2 inputs then create your mix and hard patch the output into the mixer 1/2 inputs.
