Questions & Answers

Can I run a Studio 1824 interface as an ADAT expander into another interface (Apollo Twin) for additional channels?

0 votes
asked Oct 9, 2021 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by staceyshopsowitz (120 points)

I'd like to run a Studio 1824 into my Apollo Twin via ADAT to expand the amount of inputs.

The Studio 1824 has ADAT out, but it looks like people have been having issues with it.


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 21, 2022 by samuelpython (160 points)

Hi Stacey,

I think you found a solution since you posted this but if it can help anyone  :

It's technically possible, but Presonus didn't make it easy.

First, plug your Studio 1824(c) into your computer with USB and download the Universal Control Software and clic on the image of the interface to open the control mixer.

The eight ADAT outputs are physically outs 11 to 18 and are maped as stereo Left-Right pairs in the Universal Control software (ADAT 1-2, ADAT 3-4, ADAT 5-6, ADAT 7-8)

Each pair has it's own personal stereo mix.

So the only way I found for using it as a converter is to set up the mix of each pair to "monitor" each mic/line input into the corresponding ADAT out by hard panning them left and right :

- In the mix for ADAT 1-2 : Input 1 Left, Input 2 Right, both faders to 0dB and all the other channels faders to -inf

- In the mix for ADAT 3-4 : Input 3 Left, Input 4 Right, both faders to 0dB and all the other channels faders to -inf

- In the mix for ADAT 5-6 : Input 5 Left, Input 6 Right, both faders to 0dB and all the other channels faders to -inf

- In the mix for ADAT 7-8 : Input 7 Left, Input 8 Right, both faders to 0dB and all the other channels faders to -inf

The additionnal tricky thing is that, to my knowledge, these settings are not stored into the interface itself, but only in the Universal Control software. So you might need to keep the 1824(c) plugged with USB into your computer to keep the settings that way, even if you use an other device as the main interface

Hope this helps.


+1 vote
answered Oct 13, 2022 by stancrump (180 points)
Did you get this config to work? I am having to use a clock source into the PreSonus. Please advise