Questions & Answers

VSL Synchron implementation

+4 votes
asked Oct 15, 2021 in Notion Feature Requests by georgesgondard1 (760 points)
VSL synchron SE is now the standard on VSL products can You implement these VSL SE libraries as You did for VSL SE ?
Also the Spitfire Studio Orchestra ( Brass-Woodwinds-Strings ) will be great to be implemented…. Or another good idea , to produce an enhanced Notion orchestra with better sounds , I am so glad to use Notion for years , but please improve the sounds

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 29, 2022 by theodoresladovichjr (730 points)
I’ve asked about Synchron Special Edition way back in 2019 and to date (November 2022). Also, it’s bee. Years since Notion 6 was released, Presonus to date hasn’t done a thing (with the exception of the iOS app), they’ve ignored this great application. Which makes me wonder if they are fading it into the sunset.  This is the most user-friendly software on the market for input and publishing.