Questions & Answers

Akai MPC compatibilty to use Studio Live Series 3 Mixer as Audio Interface

+1 vote
asked Dec 6, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by martijncober (160 points)
I was trying to have my Studio Live Series 3 mixer as my Audio interface for The Akai MPC-X.

The Akai MPC-X does recognize the mixer as interface but after reading a lot of forums it seems that the mixer is missing the driver to be USB Class Complaint to work. Even when both run at 44.1 kHz sample rate it keeps on giving the Code-22 failure.

Hopefully this can be fixed in future updates.

Kind regards,

Martijn Cober

Audio Engineer

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Dec 27, 2021 by devonhughes (170 points)
Hey Martijn,

Unless something has changed very recently, I thought the MPC-X can act as an audio interface when connected to a computer, because it is USB class compliant.  But it doesn't go the other way around. It cannot act as a "host" for a third-party class-compliant USB interface through the MPC-X's USB-A port.  If I'm not mistaken, the USB-A port is for thumb drives only.

Have you successfully connected a third-party audio interface to MPC-X over USB?

I know that the MPC Live 2 has this capability.

Good luck,

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2023 by timothybuyle (140 points)
Hey Martijn,

Mpc x and Studiolive 24 series 3 sorta works for me.. I can select studiolive as audio interface and can assign mpc x's individual channels to the presonus..

However.. the low frequencies come out distorted and as such unuseable in the production proces.. i sure hope a future update will bring a solution..


0 votes
answered Mar 11, 2023 by olivierparoz (140 points)
This has now been fixed with firmware 3.2.3 on the Force. I imagine it's the same on the other products of the family.