Questions & Answers

No folder upload in Sphere Workspaces?

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asked Dec 8, 2021 in Studio One+ by Scardanelli (3,320 points)
Just tried to use Workspaces for the first time and really Presonus? No folder upload? Every single file and folder structure has to be created from fresh. What is the point of that, one cannot collaborate efficiently. The whole idea surely of a shared workspace within Sphere itself should be a seamless integration, so that the collaborators can simply upload the additional files and new song versions etc. Better still - "share to Workspace" save as function that would update just newly added files and song versions, save uploading the entire project again.. Very disappointing. May as well use WeTransfer or Dropbox. I see this has been commented on by Presonus staff over a year ago, stating it was being addressed.......nothing has changed.