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Please ad Sonar X3, And Platinum to Studio live 32sx and any other 32 series.

+1 vote
asked Jan 11, 2022 in Completed Feature Requests by jameswatkins13 (130 points)
edited Jan 11, 2022 by jameswatkins13
To Make a piece of gear that is capable of covering multiple spectrum of daws makes this gear studiolive next to none. creative people create not as much technical, and if anyone can save enough to purchase, or earn enough money to purchase studiolive 32sx are any of your mixers for this matter should come fully intergrated for most daws including Sonar. We spend hours, months, even years learning a format such as sonar x3 then another way comes along to create great Music such as the studiolive mixer such should always be up too the task, and challen. I somewhat defeated my purpose of purchasing a this piece of gear only to find out after purchase, my work flow may be interrupted because studiolive is limited. Please fix this. You miss so many customers because you guys make this work of art limited, others want buy. if i had done my research i may have not purchased the studiolive 32sx. I'm disappointed because i wanted to add a mixer with motorized faders to my recording rig, i knew about u guys through another product of yours in which i use, and truly i didn't think twice to purchase.only over looking the intergration to other daws.. If you guys consider, please send me a link of the update/firmware that fixes this problem.controling faders, other funtions with in sonar from my mixer....The gliders that move on the board, should move in cakewalk/sonar as well. My Email: [email protected]