Questions & Answers

Sample One - Built-In User Definable Sample Folder Bookmarks/Browser (Like "Files" Menu)

+7 votes
asked Mar 5, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by justincrosby (1,950 points)

It's cool you can add samples in Sample One with the + icon. That said it's a fairly cumbersome workflow no matter how well organized someone's sample collection is. There's still the need to drill into folders, as well as a searching and previewing process involved. 

What would be even more useful is if there were a built-in sample bookmarks/browser feature that allowed you to bookmark, browse, and locate samples from your own collection from within Sample One, with a preview feature similar to the 'Files' tab. Users would be able to bookmark as many folders as the preferred. And these folders would be searchable, similar to the files section.

This would also bring the benefit of allowing the Files menu to be freed up from sample bookmarks, allowing the user to bookmark potentially more important user content like presets, projects, templates, or anything else the user prefers to give a higher priority to. Currently the Files section is decent, but once you've bookmarked a few places your shoved into a claustrophobic dropdown menu that feels like an afterthought... This would potentially free up some of that clutter...

  •  Bookmarks would provide an immediate home-base with all of the users important sample folders. 
  • A search feature would allow for quick, almost immediate location of suitable samples.
  • Searching entire drives for sample names can result in unexpected 'wildcard' samples. (Samples you'd most likely not discover otherwise due to an overwhelming amount of user samples, and the fact that people tend to develop a bias/habit for where they search for samples, potentially eliminating otherwise great content.). 


  • The user would be able to bookmark as many folders as needed. Drives would also be able to be added as bookmarks.
  • All folders/drives would be searchable (like the 'Files' menu is).
  • Ideally this would offer you the same preview features as the browser. 
