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Studio One Search Improvements

+18 votes
asked May 27, 2021 in Look and Feel by rmznxxfumprmznxxfump (230 points)

Searching algorithm in Studio One is very basic and it is almost unusable for finding samples. You need to input the exact name of the sample to be able to find it. For example, if you have a sample that named 'ambient_piano' you won't find it by entering its name without an underline ( _ ) or by putting its words in reverse order (piano ambient). I think there are plenty of Studio One users who do the sample based production and don't record live instruments. Those people should be able to quickly find the desired sample in the browser.

So, my suggestions will be:

  • If you search a sample by separating its words with a space, the search algorithm will find all the samples that have the desired words in its name, regardless of the word order and of the way they are separated. For example, the search result '808 bass' will return the following results: 808 bass; 808_bass; bass_808; bass 808, 808bass, etc.
  • Phrases in quotes will return the exact phrase (case insensitive). '808 bass' would not return every sample in the above folder, but instead only those files/folders with that exact phrase including the space between 808 and bass.
  • Function that will search samples by one of two words or by both. For example putting the * mark between the words (808*bass) will return the following results: 808 bass; bass 808; bass; 808.
  • Searching by file extension.
  • Inclusion of file folders into search results.
  • Adding exclusion words to narrow down the search results by filtering out the exclusions. For example, by putting the dash (-) mark before the word (808 bass -loop).

Feel free to add your own suggestions, because I've only described the essential features and probably missed something.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2023 by GlynnAlan (160 points)
I'm surprised at the lack of response to this from Presonus. Like Outlook and other search functions I've used, it'd be good to use separators (comma) and wildcards (commonly *). The current search functions searches like so - *Vocal* (asterisks are wildcards)

For example, if I am looking for a 'Vocal' sample in 'F', I'd like the ability to search like one of these:

Vocal, F

*Vocal*, *F*

...and so on.