Questions & Answers

SOLVED: Freely Drag Notes - or - Latching Shortcuts

+1 vote
asked Apr 11, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by scoredfilms (6,850 points)
edited Apr 11, 2016 by scoredfilms

In the Music Editor, the "N" key toggles snap-to-grid. While that's useful, Cubase has a more "live" way of doing this, where you can hold a key to live-toggle the ability to freely drag the note you are editing. Just hold ALT and freely drag the note. It's easier to work with than a more permanent on/off button alone.

Perhaps both a permanent and live/latching option are ideal. It may even be better to add more flexibility to shortcuts. Allowing users to control whether an option is toggled ON by pressing Alt, but only toggled OFF "when ALT is released" or something to that effect. Right now, if I hold "N" it rapidly switches, rather than works like a qualifier. Hopefully that makes sense. wink



2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 11, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)
selected Apr 11, 2016 by scoredfilms
Best answer
Toggle Snap is holding SHIFT while dragging, in Studio One (at least I think that's what you meant, in Cubase it's CTRL by default on PC).
0 votes
answered Apr 11, 2016 by scoredfilms (6,850 points)
GOT IT!!! What threw me is that in Cubase I was used to holding the shortcut BEFORE dragging. In Studio One, you simply grab the note first, then toggle it. Works like a charm.