Questions & Answers

The quantize value and interface of the Studio One

+1 vote
asked Mar 10, 2022 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by mohammadrezasaeidi (130 points)
Hello dear team

Actually, I'd prefer to submit my suggestions in one post.

The first is about " the quantize value" or the quantizing scale. According to my old experiences, sometimes I need to use the value of 1/64T  in y projects. But I can't do this exactly. So I have to quantize MIDI notes manually. It would be perfect if there is the 1/64T in the software.

And the second is about the user interface of the software. I don't know if there are your policies about the software's graphical improvement or not. But an improvement in this part, such as the MIDI lines graphic in the timeline or applying more changes in its appearances, could be very useful for me.

With the best regards