Questions & Answers

Easy, fast way to change song length

+1 vote
asked Mar 12, 2022 in Studio One 5 by (410 points)

Is there anywhere in Studio One where I can set the length of the song by simply typing in a specific number of bars/measures???
I can't find this important basic capability anywhere in S1.

See yellow box in attached screenshot from Logic Pro X.  
In LPX, one can modify the song length very quickly and very easily, at any time, by simply double clicking the number and just typing the number of bars/measures you desire the song length to be. BAM!!!!  DONE!!!!

Please Presonus can you add something QUICK & SIMPLE like this in Studio One?????????


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 21 by ronbroach (670 points)

It isn't as intuitive as you asked for (or I would like) but here the process I found today (Feb 21, 2024 -- Studio One Pro v6.5.1)

With the Song open:

From the Song dropdown select "Song Setup" [default keyboard shortcut <ctl+.>

In the Song Setup window, select the "General" tab.

This should show boxes for "Song Start" and "Song End" that are editable. Simply type in whatever number you want, click Apply, and OK.
