Questions & Answers

An error occured at the server (Status 301)

+8 votes
asked Apr 4, 2022 in Studio One 3 by gaeko30 (200 points)

How can I solve this problem?

27 Answers

+4 votes
answered Apr 9, 2022 by aaronriehm (260 points)
I'm getting the same thing, I think it is a login issue with the opening part of the program. If anyone has any fixes please advise. I'm running win 11.
asked Apr 15, 2022 in Studio One 3 by rajibmandal (180 points) Same issue 301
+3 votes
answered Apr 17, 2022 by hamarius (200 points)
I have the same problem now. (i have to "activate it again and again because it sometimes says that it has already been activated on the same computer)

I was able to activate it again with offline activation.
+2 votes
answered Apr 18, 2022 by jacobhepburn (180 points)
Yeah this is annoying.  I have Studio 3, which was working fine a while back, and now I get this error and can't even use a product I paid for.  Presonus tech support seems non-existent.  Don't they realize how badly this will effect their business and name?

Has anyone else figured out what to do about the 301 SERVER ERROR issue yet?
+2 votes
answered Apr 22, 2022 by michaeltrycieckyj1 (180 points)
I was having this same problem on my Mac. Activating Studio One offline worked for me. I followed the offline activation steps without needing a secondary computer. Hope that works for you!
0 votes
answered May 11, 2022 by michaelallen4 (140 points)
I am having the same issue. it popped up when i tried to connect to soundcloud. I am currently running studio one home. Also my piano loops are guitar loops. makes no since.
+1 vote
answered May 24, 2022 by paulbronowski (160 points)

I was able to activate on Windows 11 using the offline instructions in C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 3\help\en\Offline Activation Guide.pdf

FWIW, here's the server response. If I had to venture a guess, they switched activation servers and/or this version of the software isn't handling the redirect. Or it's possibly a firewall problem. I tried disabling/logging Windows Defender and it didn't block anything. Didn't try my router's firewall. If anyone at PreSonus knows if ports need to be opened up in order to access their activation servers, please post guidance for users.

- thanks

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0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2022 by wietzewedman (220 points)
Got the same issue activating my studio one 3 on my labtop THIS IS BAD @PRESONUS please reply for a solution! and informa accordingly. I paid for this.
0 votes
answered Jul 11, 2022 by jrickosuave (160 points)
Presonus, Please fix this issue.  I also upgraded to Windows 11 (I believe this is the main issue) and am/have been trying to install.  Please answer this this question and have a fix; I even ran it in "Activate Offline" still isn't working and I keep getting the "An error occurred at the server (Status 301)" message each time.
0 votes
answered Jul 12, 2022 by alanjones6 (140 points)


Same problem for me since new system with Windows 11, I cannot get Studio One 3 authorized. and yet I have access to the internet. 

Please look into this issue!. 

0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2022 by max126 (140 points)
Anyone help me for same problem ? I've windows 11
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2022 by garymorgan1 (140 points)
Presonus suck. This is the last straw for them. They screwed up so badly ending Mac driver support for their mixer I had, and then changing their minds after I'd sold it that I will never buy their hardware again. Now they've done the same for some software. I will never buy from these people again.
+12 votes
answered Aug 4, 2022 by cwarren1 (1,060 points)
I just did something that got the license activated on my Windows 11 computer using Studio One Professional 3. I will try and remember what I did.

So first, i was unable to log in to my account from the studio one activation portal where you search and select for the product key. What i did was, using the same computer, log in to site and find the activation menu for licenses. I deleted one that was named similar to what i was using (i know i am only using 3 licenses right now and 4 were listed, probably old laptop) i then clicked on "OFFLINE ACTIVATION" under the software I wanted to download and then "ACTIVATE SOFTWARE".

From there, I determined my computer's name and copied this name exactly into the "Enter computer name tab"

Now, i went into the Studio One software offline activation part and copied the activation code listed there and pasted into the "enter activation code" tab back on the website"

I then clicked "DOWNLOAD LICENSE" from the website and opened up the file location. I opened up the Studio One Software again. I found that selecting the downloaded license from a folder did not work and caused and error but when I dragged the license from my files onto the Studio One software window, it immediately said that my software had been activated.

I hope this works for someone. I am glad i was able to troubleshoot it because have a gig tomorrow that i need my software for live show.  You might have to try this once or twice to allow the software to refresh but it worked soon as I did everything i mentioned and dragged the file versus selecting from tab.

THIS METHOD DID NOT REQUIRE A SECOND COMPUTER: done right from computer I wanted to activate.
+4 votes
answered Sep 11, 2022 by arlynsteffenson (270 points)
Presonus does not care to fix this. They basically want to force you to upgrade. It tells you what type of company they are since they do not care about the small home musician.
+1 vote
answered Oct 2, 2022 by carlosclaptrix (170 points)

cwarren1 - I love you! blush

It worked! Actually my IP was on some kind of blackmail list - maybe that was the reason for the error 301?

I did all the procedure on one PC.

Thanks so much!

Greetings from Germany


+2 votes
answered Oct 6, 2022 by sandrokortler (180 points)
I found out how you can solve the problem: Click the Presonus Window --> Then "activate offline" at the bottom --> copy the Code --> Go on the Website and log in to your account --> go to "offline activation" --> paste Code and computers name --> download license --> drag and drop downloaded license on the presonus window and it should work. Hope this helps.
asked Jul 14, 2023 in Studio One 3 by patrickwickline (130 points) Thanks, this worked for me.
0 votes
answered Oct 13, 2022 by louhudson (140 points)
I haven't opened Studio One in a while so this window is coming up and asking me to activate my purchase?  I try to pull up the key I had but can't find it and it won't list but instead leads me to logging in again with a server error (Status 301).  I'm trying to run Studio One 4 with a basic, one step above free, paid license on a Windows 10 Pro machine.
+1 vote
answered Oct 14, 2022 by erikballantine1 (160 points)
I had the same problem getting Studio One 3 Prime to even open after installing on Windows 11. It just said, "An error occurred at the server (status 301)." I contacted tech support several times and was not getting any relevant answers. After hounding them for the past 3 hours for an answer, after calling them 6 times demanding an answer, they finally added a Studio One 5 Prime to my account, which activated and installed easily. My advice is getting on the phone with them and don't give up until they fix the problem. It seems they do not have a solution for Studio One 3 to work on Windows 11 and the only solution was to give me Version 5. Good luck to you all and hope you get yours resolved also.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2022 by edwincampos1 (510 points)
Thank you, Sandro.  Your method was quick and easy.  Now I am back in action.
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2022 by abade (140 points)
Pretty close to the most costly fix but I was using studio one 3 and had to upgrade to 6 to work aorund the issue without tech support. $400 to get to work on music again. Not the best experience.

I'm finally an adult. Complaining on forums.

0 votes
answered Mar 2, 2023 by michaelblackstone (140 points)
I'm having the same problem. I tried offline but I must be doing something wrong. It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me activate. Kindly regards! Thank you
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2023 by georgemaciver (190 points)

Hi everyone. This morning I reinstalled StudioOnePro 3 and hit this error and my software wouldn't activate. I did my homework, read all the replies here, checked the Presonus website, and found the perfect solution.

Studio OnePro 3 is ancient, and past its sell by date. Presonus have made it available to upgrade ALL previous versions of StudioOne for about 100 Bucks. I think that's extremely reasonable. Come on, 100 bucks to upgrade to StudioOne6 from all previous versions is excellent value. Support the Developers and upgrade, they need to be able to afford ice creams at the weekends.

+2 votes
answered Apr 19, 2023 by jakilawright (220 points)
Y'all are stressing for no reason.. it's a simple fix and you only need one computer:

for activation error,
1. on the app click "activate offline"...
2. copy the code...
3. go to the presonus website, look under your registered products and click on the software you're trying to activate...
4. remove the old computer registration under "manage activations"...
5. Again on the website, click on "offline  activation" and enter the copied code as well as your computer name. You can find your computer name by searching for "This PC" in your computer details...
6. Again on the website, click offline activation again and click download the license...
7. Go back to the app and click on select license under offline activation.. select the license you downloaded in step 6. It should appear in the downloads folder as "Presonus".

You're done.

The app will be activated immediately and will open for you.
0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2023 by jakilawright (220 points)
Y'all are stressing for no reason.. it's a simple fix and you only need one computer:

for activation error,
1. on the app click "activate offline"...
2. copy the code...
3. go to the presonus website, look under your registered products and click on the software you're trying to activate...
4. remove the old computer registration under "manage activations"...
5. Again on the website, click on "offline  activation" and enter the copied code as well as your computer name. You can find your computer name by searching for "This PC" in your computer details...
6. Again on the website, click offline activation again and click download the license...
7. Go back to the app and click on select license under offline activation.. select the license you downloaded in step 6. It should appear in the downloads folder as "Presonus".

You're done.

The app will be activated immediately and will open for you.

-Jakila Ramsey
0 votes
answered May 25, 2023 by chandlerburkett (150 points)
@cwarren1 is correct. If you follow his instructions; the software will activate. By the way, PreSonus, what is wrong with you? You're going to let us run into some random server error for the hopes of us upgrading? That is some sleezy business tactic. I got my StudioOne3 activated but only because of the kindness of a random gentlemen, but after this mess, I may decide to switch DAWs for good.
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2023 by sersh (140 points)
I was able to solve it, its activating in offline mode, u need to know the name of your computer, and put it in the web side,  and download the license from the page but in offline mode, it is a bit annoying but it did it!
0 votes
answered Jul 27, 2023 by anthonytrendl (150 points)
Same problem. Windows 11. Upgraded my computer this month. Yes, they offer an upgrade for a fee, but this was offered as a bundled product when I bought Audiobox USB in 2017.

Has PreSonus reneged on what was clearly made free, promised to me?  

I feel cheated. None of the solutions listed here have worked for me. The fact that they have not chosen to resolve this tells me I'm not a valued customer, that I can likely expect similar service if I upgrade.
0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2024 by miguelemiliosantalicesblanco (180 points)
yep, I had the same 301 issue after a system restore and offline activation worked fine for me too. Thanks folks for letting us know