Questions & Answers

tools audio statistics like in cubase/nuendo?

+1 vote
asked Apr 25, 2022 in Editing by marcomonchi (2,320 points)
recategorized Apr 26, 2022 by marcomonchi

The Statistics function analyzes the selected audio events, clips, or range selections and displays a window with the following information:


Shows the name of the analyzed channel.

Min. Sample Value

Shows the lowest sample value in dB.

Max. Sample Value

Shows the highest sample value in dB.

Peak Amplitude

Shows the largest amplitude in dB.

True Peak

Shows the maximum absolute level of the audio signal waveform in the continuous time domain.

DC Offset

Shows the amount of DC offset as a percentage and in dB.


Shows the current calculated audio resolution.

Estimated Pitch

Shows the estimated pitch.

Sample Rate

Shows the sample rate.

Average RMS (AES-17)

Shows the average loudness in accordance with the AES-17 standard.

Max. RMS

Shows the highest RMS value.

Max. RMS All Channels

Shows the highest RMS value of all channels.

Max. Momentary Loudness (Cubase Pro only)

Shows the maximum value of all momentary loudness values, based on a time window of 400 ms. The measurement is not gated.

Max. Short-Term Loudness (Cubase Pro only)

Shows the maximum value of all short-term loudness values, based on a time window of 3 s. The measurement is not gated.

Integrated Loudness (Cubase Pro only)

Shows the average loudness over the whole title in LUFS (Loudness Unit, referenced to Full Scale) in accordance with EBU R-128 that recommends to normalize audio at -23 LUFS (±1 LU).

Loudness Range (Cubase Pro only)

Shows the dynamic range over the whole title in LU (Loudness Units). This value allows you to see if dynamic processing is needed.

Max. True Peak Level (Cubase Pro only)

Shows the maximum value of the audio signal waveform in the continuous time domain. 

please take a look at these tools  will be a must for all pro users and for studio one to be at the top (now you are 9 on 10 rate scale) we select one ore multiple audio tracks and have all the information we need.....thank a lot for your great work! 

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Apr 26, 2022 by marcomonchi (2,320 points)
edited May 5, 2022 by marcomonchi
You understand THAT for alot lot of us is  A MINUS NOT HAVE THESE  TOOLS