Questions & Answers

Is Presonus losing a lot of clients switching from Studio One to Cubase 12.0.1 or Nuendo ? Because of lacking Atmos?

+2 votes
asked Apr 13, 2022 in Studio One 5 by remcovanvelzen (140 points)

It seems that Presonus is not following the market and not taking seriously all the requests according to Atmos for almost a year...

If they don't come up with an update within a couple of weeks they will be far behind... which will lead to 

a tremendously decreasing of their clientbase.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Apr 13, 2022 by rionquiroz1 (4,300 points)
yeah i am honestly disappointed in the way studio one has been headed... kinda sad to see i've been a die hard studio one user since the switch from pro tools i just hope they wake up a little and pay attention to what people need and asking for.
+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2022 by rolfwittmann (300 points)
IS there a tremendous clientbase, that wants or needs to play around with dolby atmos ?

first aid solution for dolby atmos, usable in studio one since 2021 ->

imho it could be a smarter way to implement dolby atmos functionality by offering it as an optional feature/add-on for those exclusive users who have an interest and a need, and then give them for some extra money an excellent tool in their hands, instead of pumping up and slowing down any s1-installation with something nearly half-baked, that'll probably be only a useless piece of ballast for maybe the majority of users.