Questions & Answers

Replace note in Step input

+5 votes
asked Apr 27, 2022 in MIDI Editing by ramonvanadrighem (360 points)

It should be possible to select a note in de midi edit window (piano roll) and replace/move it pressing the key on the midi keyboard, or even select a chord and replace it with a new chord, pressing the desired chord on mi midi keyboard? I used this function a lot when I was using Cubase (many years ago), but when I activate step input in S1 I always get new notes when pressing a key on the midi keyboard, even if I sellect a note..., maybe this function could be included in a future update... I think that a logical option would be: If no note is selected, then a new note is added and if a note is selected, then that note is replaced :-) Thank you in advance and kind regards from Spain.
