Questions & Answers

Can you post a screenshot of this mysterious icon?

0 votes
asked May 2, 2022 in Studio One 5 by edwardwoelke (330 points)
I cannot see it anywhere
related to an answer for: Why can't i hear the metronome?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 2, 2022 by stanthompson2 (5,910 points)

In the mixer window (F3) Make sure the Metronome icons are both on (one at the bottom of the screen and one on the main channel out). The click (accent) and beat volumes can be adjusted by opening the metronome panel wrench and sliding the accent and beat sliders. The click only volume level can be adjusted up or down on the main channel out (it sits between the metronome icon button and the mono/stereo button)  
