I've been trying to get Studio One to function similar to Logic does with it stack tracks. Because of the way I track bass and guitar parts I find track stacks better for recording the layers of guitar parts and overdubs.
Now, I do use the Studio One folders in this way. And have a bus in the folder for later mixing.
As far as I can see there is no way to stop the folder from filling up the empty space with whatever color has been chosen for that folder. I find it more useful if that color only appears when the folder has been closed.
In Logic this space remains empty. Only the name of the stack appears 'Guitar Overdub', for example. I find this a neater way to organise the tracks. It declutters the folder color from the grid...which for me at least serves no purpose.
Can you please add this in the next update? If it can just be added as a setting that the user can chose to have that would be great.
Right now the only way I can do that is by adding the bus tracks, but I lose the folder functions.
Unless there happens to be a setting to do this already that I haven't found.