Questions & Answers

The Ultimate Studio One

+2 votes
asked May 26, 2022 in Editing by saadaltashanylibyastar (230 points)
1-make an icons for the channels Like Cubase and Logic Pro X Mixcraft (We are not in 70s Any More Every thing now visualizer )
2-Make a decent color look Like Logic pro x Bitwig Even Mixcraft
3-more flexible piano roll and step \Pattern sequencer Like Fl Studio and Logic Pro X Bitwig Even Mixcraft
4-The ability to change the skin\theme Maybe Like Reaper And Cakewalk By BandLab does
5-an integrated VariAudio Like Cubase and Logic Pro X Motu
6-integrated vocal Align Like Cubase And Cakewalk By BandLab
7-Stop converting the imported Mp3 to wav it's useless
8-separate process for the Vst's Cos when a vst stock the whole daw stuck
9-"Live loop \Performance panel " Logic Pro X Bitwig Ableton Mixcraft Fl studio
10-linux Support
11-A vintage Mixer Or A Ssl look  Like Reason Daw and luna

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 1, 2022 by aifuding (2,040 points)
Melodyne and Vocalign can solve part of your problem, but of course you pay extra, and it's not cheap.
VariAudio and vocal align in Cubase perform well, but overall not as good as third-party dedicated tools.

I do like retro mixers like Reason. But I don't think channel strips are necessary. Unless manipulating channel strips is a major part of your workflow. I like discrete effects so I have no problem with that. I can also use FatChannel to work if needed.

I can't understand why converting from mp3 to wav is so time consuming, in many other DAWs this step is not a hassle. Especially when the mp3 sample rate and the project's sample rate are different, I can even make a cup of coffee.