Questions & Answers

i am using studio one 5 and when i export my song, it will not play in my music player

0 votes
asked Aug 2, 2022 in Studio One 5 by nicolepritchard (120 points)
ive tried exporting as an mp3 m4a and wav file, when trying to open in windows media nothing plays. it stays a 0 seconds

1 Answer

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answered Sep 9, 2022 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
When you are exporting a song there are options to determine what portion of the song gets exported - one option is to go from the "start" marker to the "end" marker. That is the option I use - it is possible that you are not selecting all or any part of the song?  When you look at the properties of the wav / mp3 file you created is it the appropriate size?  MP3 files should be about 2mb per minute, and wav files about 10 mb per minute.  If you are creating a file of the right size and windows media player won't play it, I would try another media player or even try to import it back into Studio One.

I hope this helps.