Questions & Answers

Why are inputs of track presets in S1 6 not kept / restored?

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asked Oct 16, 2022 in Studio One 5 by johannesehrl1 (340 points)
Hi, I directly upgraded to S1 6 due to the new track presets feature, which in principle would be extremely beneficial. Unfortunately when trying to utilize it I discouvered that the input(s) of audio tracks are not kept/restored which renders this feature more ore less useless for my use case: I have several instruments in the studio, all statically attached to ca. 40 audio inputs and would like to create ready-to-use track presets for the different instruments (e.g. drums with 10 microphone audio inputs, plugins and (FX-)bus routing). The only missing piece to get that working now is that the input(s) are not kept/restored.

So, can you comment/confirm if this is a bug to be fixed or might there be any other reason why the inputs are not kept?