Questions & Answers

Using headphones output to external powered speakers as secondary monitors in AudioBox iOne

0 votes
asked Oct 25, 2022 in AudioBox USB by ajlozano (1,020 points)
Hi, I need to use a second set of speakers as second monitors. I have my Eris plugged into my AudioBox iOne and was wondering if I can use the headphone output to feed audio to some Edifiers? I am concerned that I will not damage the AudioBox by connecting powered speakers to a headphone jack. It may seem like a very naive question but I prefer to consult before I make a mistake. Another available option would be to connect the AudioBox monitor output to an external mixer (*********) and from there connect the Eris and the Edifiers. Thank you very much in advance

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 28, 2022 by mhepworth (710 points)
Though it's not ideal, this will work fine. Set the level on your other powered monitors to max and the HP out on the ABox to minimum. Creep the level up until it's plenty loud. Stay under 20' cable length.
0 votes
answered Oct 29, 2022 by ajlozano (1,020 points)

@mhepworth:  I understand that connecting a pair of external monitors to the headphone output of the AudioBox is not going to hurt it.
Take care of the volumes and the length of the cable to avoid interference.
Thank you very much for your answer !
