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Need something Similar To Logic Pro Dummer.

+2 votes
asked Nov 10, 2022 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by jameystanczak (140 points)
I have switched over to Studio one from Logic Pro x. I am a Mac User and the Logic drummer is unique in itself where it will basically play and perfectly nearly, perform as your drummer in studio quality radio ready format. I have downloaded a couple of others that have tried like Steven Slate Drums, and have tried most of these on this site as plugins.

However as a master drummer and being 46 years old and having tries most DAWS and VSTs , when it come to songwriting, nothing has helped me out more than Logic Pro dummer. I can only imagine what I could do if I had that on Studio one 6 . It is a feature unique to its own. It would open so many doors.

The midi edit feature on Logic Pro and ability to combine it with the logic drums opens up tons of 1st options and song writing ability. For someone like me that plays my own music, write my own Melodys, guitar keyboards etc. This is a must have feature for 2022 DAWs