Questions & Answers

No input signal in Stuidio One from Presonus FireStudio Tube

0 votes
asked Feb 26, 2023 in Studio One 6 by dmark10 (160 points)
I just installed Studio One and I have PreSonus FireStudio Tube.  Firewire is connected and Studio One recognizes FireStudio  FireStudio shows signal and  I have inputs selected, but there is no signal in Studio One.  

I see a lot of questions and answers regarding Mac and security settings.  I am using Windows 10.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2023 by tothrec (32,270 points)
Are you sure you have the inputs configured correctly in Studio One?

I once armed a track for a connection that had been moved to a different output on the pre amp.

Ctrl Period

Audio I/O Setup


0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2023 by dmark10 (160 points)
Thanks for the reply, Steven.  Yeah, inputs and outputs are correct.
