Questions & Answers

Please see my question below.

0 votes
asked Apr 29, 2016 in Studio One 3 by jo0annross (150 points)
I have a  general question.  Can I use the PreSonus AudioboxUSB to send audio input from a microphone if my computer does not have an input jack?  In other words will the audio feed through the USB to the computer sound card?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 2, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
selected May 5, 2016 by PreSonuSales2
Best answer
The AudioBox USB will (basically) function as your computer's sound card when connected via USB. The AudioBox USB converts analog audio to digital audio and vice versa, so you can record to and play back from a computer.

So once you've got it connected, it's as if the 2 input jacks on the front were input jacks built in to your laptop. That's kind of a watered down explanation of what all is happening, but I hope it helps.