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Question to the developers: Please add this one feature...

+6 votes
asked Feb 16, 2024 in Score Editor by fabian.becker2017 (540 points)
edited Feb 16, 2024 by fabian.becker2017

I think Studio One is truly the best DAW and I love that you can switch from piano roll to a Score Editor to make music with notation. After always working with the piano roll and making orchestral music, I would now like to make music with notation and I thought Studio One is simply the best there is, where you can switch to the score view with just one click. It also works really great, but there is one thing that is so essential but is not in the score editor. One of the most important things about an instrument are the dynamics (pppp, ppp, pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, ffff) and the associated volume. But that's exactly not possible because the dynamics only react to the velocity. It is an absolute must that the dynamics also trigger MIDI CC01 modulation and MIDI CC11 expression, as this is the only way to control the dynamics during long articulations. For instance, I use a lot of strings that naturally have to be played softly or louder and whenever I place the corresponding dynamics, nothing changes, but it's so important...

I would therefore like to ask the developers directly whether you can please provide an update soon? Studio One is now at version 6.5 and I don't know whether there will be updates for version 6 with improvements or small new functions and it will definitely take a while until version 7. So please, could you best bring this little improvement with the next update, so that you can assign each dynamic its own MIDI CC01 and MIDI CC11 value, so that elements like hairpins or crescendo/decrescendo can of course also react to it? You could integrate this into the Sound Variations window, as there is already a dynamics table where you could assign the values.

As far as I have seen in the forum, there are already many requests to add this little feature for several years and it is very important to me personally. Without this feature you can't really make music because you just always use and need the dynamics.

Please give me an answer.

Thank you very much in advance and best regards!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 24, 2024 by frankpaulicki (610 points)
I absolutely agree! I use the score editor constantly, and it is ridiculous to have to make laborious round trip actions to properly control these basis elements. Also, it is essential to have keyboard shortcuts or some form of macros for allocating expression (dynamics) markings to the score more efficiently.