Questions & Answers

I have Pro 5.2 with all updates but it doesn't give me Score Editor functions. How do I access it?

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asked Mar 29, 2023 in Studio One 6 by patgrieco (120 points)
I have PreSonus Studio Professional 5.2 with all the updates. However, although I keep treading about the score editor capability that supposedly comes with the program. I do not see it available to me in the version I have. One of your answers to a previous question on this indicted that one might access this through Notion. Is that an additional piece of software that I must buy in order to access the Score Editor and Score Print functions or is there another way to access this important functionality??

1 Answer

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answered Mar 30, 2023 by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
First of all, you have a free update to 5.6 so not sure why you're still on 5.2.

If you check Youtube there's lots of videos about the score editor. Looks like he clicks the treble clef on the right:
