Questions & Answers

Can I combine a multi-effects processor with expression pedal with my PreSonus Audiobox USB 96?

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asked Apr 27, 2023 in Revelator Series by clouthier_mike (120 points)
Before answering... I like options, which is why I am considering purchasing a multi-effect processor with an expression pedal (example only, Valeton GP-100). So, in my example, without causing harm to my Audiobox USB 96, can I connect a device like the Valeton to the Input (1 or 2) of my Presonus so that I can then record with the option of bypassing the Valeton and using PreSonus DAW or using options on the Valeton to record using PreSonus DAW?

I've seen somewhat similar questions, but they're always poorly constructed and the responses are even more ambiguous or incorrectly answered to the question being asked.

As I said above, I love options, that is why I am asking - thank you in advance