Questions & Answers

About 'Notion6' Continuous view option.

0 votes
asked May 15, 2023 in Notion by donghyeonkim13 (150 points)


I have used 'Notion6'.

And I want one function.

When I view continuous mode in Notion6, I want to fasten up play bar on middle my monitor.

But, I couldn't find the option.

I am attaching a link using the function I want.

Is it have option in Notion6? I want to know.

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 12 by pedrorosario1 (200 points)
Hello. I have a problem with this software since I bought it, I downloaded all the sounds but when I open the program, it tells me that the sounds are not available and nothing has ever sounded. I want an explanation please.