Questions & Answers

Is there a way to show a large notepad on the project page (not just track notes)

+3 votes
asked Jun 4, 2023 in Look and Feel by alanmoore3 (160 points)
edited Jun 12, 2023 by alanmoore3
I'd like to analyse reference tracks imported into the main project page of Studio One: form, structure, chord changes, etc. A large notepad would be great - I know Logic has this. Ideally, this would take up the space on the right where the browser is.

I know there are Track Notes but I'm looking for something similar to the Song Notes feature but I'd like it to be on the project page, not in a pop-up.

Is this possible? If not, can it be a feature request? At the moment, I'm using Evernote for this but it would be more convenient to be able to see a breakdown of reference tracks (modeling) on the main page where I'm actually working and composing.



Update (June 2023)

Is there a VST Notepad that could be used instead (and pinned to the project page)? I'm finding that I need this feature to avoid having lots of windows open.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 14, 2023 by anuraj.aa (640 points)
If I remember correctly there is a song notes section in the project info pop up. This is where I used to store my lyrics.
0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2023 by bradboatright (480 points)
There actually is a very simple and good VST notepad available for free here: