Questions & Answers

Easy switchable Custom-Modes: Jam, Record, Mix, Final Mix, etc.

+1 vote
asked May 7, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)
retagged May 24, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein
Easy switchable Custom-Modes: Jam, Record, Mix, Final Mix, etc.

Based on the mode, further settings could be activated: Freezes / Freeze Groups, Deactivated/Activate Insert Groups, Buffer sizes, etc.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 30, 2016 by MarkyGoldstein (6,940 points)

You see, we already got an Edit and a Mix mode. What would happen if this would influence more things such as Insert Group activations, Freeze Group activations, Buffer Size, etc.

In Mix Mode we could rely on Audio tracks with Mix plugins. 

In Edit Mode we could have some tracks frozen and the ones we are editing or recording could be liquid.

In Master Mode, we could automatically turn on the Mastering inserts (insert group "Mastering")


Fact is: we do actually switch between these modes of working. Think about it.
