Questions & Answers

Faderport Does nt Follow Track selection (Mouse, Atom Sq, Faderport Channel Select (Wheel))

+9 votes
asked Jul 9, 2023 in FaderPort 2018 by inertiafxs (210 points)

Hi All 

I am after a feature request if it has nt been done yet 

The problem i am having is i have a very large project of 158 tracks i am mixing and mastering for a client and i noticed that my faderport 8 does nt follow my track selection when selecting a track with the mouse 

yes the channel is highlighted but faderport does nt follow this selection so what i am having to do is highlight the track i want and bank over to it a billion times till i find the highlighted track 

for workflow reasons this absolutely sucks 

what i would like is faderport to jump to the channel selected by the mouse so i can speed up my work flow and not having to dig through a ton of tracks to find the highlighted one as this seems like a game i never wanted to play and the jokes on me 

Also what seems to be annoying about this is that i believe faderport 1 does this as it follows selctions for automation so why faderport 1 and not faderport 8 and 16 to have this function 

Any help is welcome but it seems i have tried everything 

6 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jul 18, 2023 by bobbyphillipps (1,790 points)
Hi there! There currently isn't a mode in the Faderport 8 or 16 that has it automatically following the track selection. I'm hoping they add it soon.

However, to save you banking over like you described, with the Bank button enabled on the Faderport, you can simply press the large encoder down and it will jump to the bank that has the highlighted track. I do this all the time. Select a track, tap the large encoder, and bang, I'm there. Hope this helps!
+2 votes
answered Dec 5, 2023 by caramiafrederick (3,530 points)
I'm ok with you, That's why I sold my faderport 16 and the ssl uf8
+3 votes
answered Dec 8, 2023 by jacquesmk2 (1,100 points)
UF 1 does not follow tracks either, due to the poor current MCU implementation. I switched from Studio One to Reaper for that sole reason. Crazy isn't it ?
+1 vote
answered Feb 5, 2024 by waderue (940 points)
in this video, its the first thing he does...but when i try it, it doesn't work.

did something change?
0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2024 by junhoshin1 (2,540 points)

Crazy this isn't still update. hahah was requested since 2018 or sth wow...
Faderport 1 does work properly.
but other lines up just don't get updated at all. 
what's going on.

0 votes
answered Mar 21, 2024 by merlijnsnitker (150 points)
Also faderport2 and pro tools has the same problem, would be great if this can be resolved