Questions & Answers

Pro tools 12.5 - Faderport 8

0 votes
asked Mar 12, 2024 in FaderPort 2018 by gauthiercauvin (180 points)

There are several things that I can no longer do with the faderport 8 since I changed systems: I am using pro tools.

For example, before, if I had automation on a plugin, and I displayed this automation on its track in the edit window, the presonus fader of this track no longer controlled the volume of the track, but the automation of the plugins which was visible.
From now on, the faders stay on the volume :'(

-> Is it possible to control a plugin (whose automation is displayed on its track) without going to "edit plugins" in the faderport, and finding the relevant setting? (( Depending on the effects, there are sometimes many pages... ))

And also, on Pro Tools I can display several "automation lines" under a track, to see several automations live on this track;
-> Is it possible to have, on the faderport, a fader for each automation line that is displayed in the edit window of pro tools ?

Thank you so much


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 12, 2024 by gauthiercauvin (180 points)
In fact, I would like the faders of the faderport to follow the tracks and automation that I have in front of me on the edit window