Questions & Answers

can we get stem seperation?

+31 votes
asked Sep 26, 2023 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by waderue (910 points)
there are daws out there that now do stem separation and that tool would is vital for remixes, sampling, and referencing. would be a great help to producers, Djs, and engineers.

3 Answers

+10 votes
answered Dec 21, 2023 by jordanmotley (350 points)
I hope this is a priority for Presonus. because right now I'm thinking of buying another DAW just for this feature. it's game-changing
+10 votes
answered Dec 28, 2023 by robertjohnson33 (350 points)
Studio one is hands down the best all around DAW, the ability to separate stems from a track is the only advantage other DAWS have on studio one. If this was implemented it would further solidify studio one as the top DAW
+4 votes
answered Jan 27 by kaloyankirov1 (290 points)
Absolutely, that's a must!