Questions & Answers

Loudness readout for mix

+3 votes
asked Jun 26, 2021 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by normanriley (5,490 points)
Currently, faster-than-real time loudness updates for pre and post-FX are possible only in the project page - a great feature!  It  would be nice to have faster-than-real-time loudness readout capability in the mix page.  Also, for some reason unknown to me, loudness measurements for any song differ between the mix and project pages (i.e., the user gets one set of numbers in the mix page, and another, completely different set of values (typically lower) using the same loudness measuring plug-in on the same song in the project page even when no processing is done to the song in the project page.  It would be very helpful if PreSonus would address and explain the reason(s) for this curious difference in the next manual update.  Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 29, 2021 by mauriziobaggio (1,110 points)
Loudness normalise on projects would help too!