Questions & Answers

How Do I Make My Aux Sends on StudioLive 16.0.2 AFTER FADER?

0 votes
asked Oct 5, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by mikechurch (120 points)

I love this mixer but I just cannot figure out 1 function and I've tried for 4 days now:

I am using Aux 1 & 2 as a stereo pair to send a Mix from my remote radio studio via the 16.0.2 to the main studio - which works perfectly - but I cannot control the input from any channel with the channel fader or the channel aux input levels in the Fat channels. It seems that all sends happen PRE-fader.

So if I want to say talk privately to a guest coming in via Skype on Channel 9/10 and my Mic is on Channel 5, if I remove my feed to AUX 1-2 in the Fat Channel, it is still part of the Aux 1-2 Mix.

That's our problem and it happens with 2 other input devices on other channels.


3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 6, 2023 by babadono (1,180 points)

This is a StudioLive series 3? If so select flex mix 1 or 2 since you have them linked for stereo. This should bring the settings up in the LCD screen. Click on the little control knob icon, this should bring up a secondary screen that will allow you to set among other things the Aux Send to Pre1,Pre2, or Post fader.

 Hope this helps or maybe I don't understand your question/problem

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2023 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
For the 16.0.2, try checking the setup of the console using the LCD screen.  From what I recall, page #8 in the LCD screen is a configuration screen.
0 votes
answered Oct 16, 2023 by babadono (1,180 points)
So this is a StudioLive Classic? Then yes you have to scroll through the system options on the LCD. You will be able to select Pre1, Pre2, or Post.