Questions & Answers

EVERY menu term in Studio One should be described in Help Documentation, but isn't; this is a fundamental.

+7 votes
asked Oct 12, 2023 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by davidmitchell36 (210 points)

Kudos on the Studio One Reference Manual; Fast.... however it is missing fundamentals in that (for example), I search for "Normalize Audio" (which is a specific Menu selection in Studio One)..... I could not find a single reference where the menu item "Normalize Audio" is explained..... If I missed it, then I apologize; please tell me how to find it... I could not.... Documentation "must" provide a description for every term used in the Studio One menus or popups. In the search, numerous (countless) hits were presented where "Audio" was found, and some places where "Normalize" was found, but no relevant context where "Normalize Audio" (a menu choice) was found. I found this with many other items as well, as I explore Studio One 6.5 (Sphere).

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 16, 2023 by johnoconnell1 (1,110 points)
Their documentation is lacking.many details, not consistent, in some cases nonexistent and not kept up date!

Please hire some more tech writers and get this issue standardized and fixed.
–1 vote
answered Jan 8, 2024 by FaveDave (800 points)
Agree! And for your native English speakers, change the bad translation to the correct ones! I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how to "delete" something when they use the word "remove!" Arrgggh! Bad translation!