Questions & Answers

Macro Key Missing

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asked Dec 5, 2023 in Studio One 4 by caleblungu (120 points)

I tried to see if this question has been answered already but couldn't find it, so I apologize if this has already been answered. But I'm completely new to music production and saw that having macros is extremely useless. When watching tutorials on how to set up or just straightup downloading macros, I couldn't find the macros button. In all the tutorials it shows that it's in between the "Quantize" and "Info View" buttons, but it's completely missing. I tried opening up downloaded macros already but even when I try to do that nothing happens. I also checked in the program files to see if there was a "Macros" folder but there wasn't one. Provided is a screenshot of my view. If someone could help me out with this is would be greatly appreciated.
