Questions & Answers

Why does a song template that works on my Imac (I9) not work on MacBook Pro (M2 chip set)? It crashes out.

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asked Dec 28, 2023 in Studio One 6 by gerardcliteur (120 points)
Exactly the same song template (made on the Imac) crashed upon new song start up (using that template) on  M2 MacBook Pro.

It crashes out after loading EZ drummer 3 and then shows something like loading device: channel xyz (it crashes so fast after this channel xyz shows up).

The crash report mentions: crashed thread = 57 AudioProcess Grap5.

Check all plugins used are uniform. Anything to do with I/O config? Audio device and Processing are the same. The rest should be contained with the song template...

Any help would be useful...was kind of embarrassed in the studio recording with my MacBook and not having the template I use in my homestudio!