Questions & Answers

Studio One 5 & 6 crash when I change a song's sample rate

+1 vote
asked Oct 22, 2022 in Studio One 6 by minorusammotomura (190 points)
edited Oct 23, 2022 by minorusammotomura
When I change a song's sample rate from 44.1/48 to 88.2/96 kHz (vice versa), Studio One software crashes.
I think this is not caused by my VST plugins, because it still crashes even though it's restarted with disabling VST supports.
I am using a Windows 10 laptop and Native Instrument's Komplete Audio 6 Mk1 with the latest driver.

Does anyone know how to avoid this?

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Oct 23, 2022 by minorusammotomura (190 points)
It's fine with Maschine Mk3's embedded audio interface.