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Problem Solved! Request Fulfilled in Drum View! (Custom Piano View Midi Note Colors for Drum Groups )

+2 votes
asked Jan 15, 2024 in MIDI Editing by viccapota (1,100 points)
edited Jan 17, 2024 by viccapota

Update: Mostly Fulfilled Request thanks!


Custom Piano View Midi Note Colors for Drum Groups

I have made a very complicated request in another thread which may be hard to understand and seems only one person understood that entire request so I have revised my approach to the matter with this very simplified version of the concept which hopefully gets implemented.   But then i just realized that it appears that many many people have already requested this. LOL.

1)  Piano View Custom Midi Keyboard Grid Note Colors or Group Adjacent note Midi Keyboard region groups - The feature request that those many scores of people have requested and voted on is custom colorization of midi note by whatever we wish on the entire keyboard.  Unfortunately it is only in drum view available (but also the triangles throw alot of people off who prefer the squares like in piano view but who dont like being boxed into a very limited pattern view which messess up the grid too arbitrarily when changing rhythmic values).  This is a simple easy to add request also for Piano view too that we can at least have all our drum types one color group just like in drum view!   I.e. - all snares one color, kicks another color, hats another color, and all cymbals another color and same with toms.  Because enough people have made this request and this is easy to see why this is very necessary.  It would also be nice to be able to more clearly have such group "lanes" distinctly visually separated too. Regardless of piano view or in drum view.

2)  Expand or collapse single or groups of notes in piano view for simplifying drumkit grid view: Has anyone noticed that always having each articulation (midi note 'lane') being displayed is kind of tiresome when they don't always need to be seen?   It would be nice to be able to collapse and hide any note or sections of adjacent notes on the keyboard when its not being used much with the purpose of simplifying the grid for drum pattern creation. And then expanding that back when it needs to be seen rather than an unhide feature.  

3)  Other shapes for drum view - as mentioned briefly above, some cant work well with the triangles in drum view so circles or rounded squares or whatever changeable options would be nice for drum view

So many people have requested this stuff and none of this gets implemented when its an absolute nothingburger to implement.  These are by far the most requested features to come up in this entire forum.   We need to be able to operate as fluidly as possible when we are composing stuff which has complicated drums. .  

I have another thread called Custom Drum Grid Editor request but that may have gone a bit overboard with a very expansive list of ways to expand this request with things request # 3) rhythmic divisions changed per row (pattern view isn't good because if you change the rhythm subdivision it changes the entire grid and it for all the notes in the grid), as well as a least important priority in this which is assigning hit shapes but I dont think that was a reasonable part of my request so i am scrapping that part. it was too much. 

(Yes I am already aware of the pattern editor but it is useless to me, it is whey too boxed in  and I have no interest in it. its not fluidly versatile nor fluid in any sence of the word, and fluid is the only word that can describe midi drum composing DAW needs at this time.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2024 by junhoshin1 (2,540 points)

apparently, when u convert from "part" to "pattern", the delayed (off grid) midi notes are not properly converted in pattern (because they should have some delay value, like velocity values. But none)
This is a BUG i think since when u convert from "pattern" to "part", the delays are converted properly to the drum view editor (showing off grid midi notes)

0 votes
answered Jan 17, 2024 by viccapota (1,100 points)
edited Jan 17, 2024 by viccapota
Ok so this matter has been somewhat resolved as the latest version of drum view allows for custom colors of the rows as well as reordering and hiding articulations which are needed. so this is resolved alot better now thank you!  Its also nice to have a shortcut to be able to modify the grid divisions too without mousing to the menu.