Questions & Answers

Bend markers... compression being ignored during playback

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asked Jan 23, 2024 in Studio One+ Feature Requests by joelanderson2 (160 points)
I've seen other people note this same bug. Or at least it seems like a bug, as I haven't seen any solutions.

Bend markers only seem to work up to a point. If you bring 2 markers too close, e.g. you're using one on either side of a moment of silence which you want to compress out of existence, the visual wave form might show the silence to be compressed to virtually nothing, but playback totally ignores any "bending" you have done... the moment of silence lives on unchanged.

If there are limitations, they should be enforced by not allowing the user to stretch/compress where it will only be ignored during playback. Better yet, why not remove limitations and let us stretch/compress as much as we want?

Hopefully I'm just doing something dumb... any help would be appreciated. I'm using Studio One version