Questions & Answers

Global Record Off

+1 vote
asked Jan 30 in Studio One 6 by Scardanelli (3,320 points)
Why is there no global record defeat button? There is a mutes defeat, and solo, yet not record.

I ask because, it does happen in a large session with a lot of tracks, that one inadvertently leaves an undesired track in record when recording to another track. I just found I'd done multiple takes on a track right the top of the page (over 35 tracks). I generally check (and find this an annoying requirement) but didn't this time.

It seems such an obvious thing to have - it's been a long time since I used Cubase or Logic - do these DAWs have such a feature?

And I didn't post this in Feature Requests because it appears the last post on that thread was years ago. I do get the impression that this entire forum is pretty much ignored by Studio One / Presonus employees, as there seem to be no official follow up to any requests or feature requests. Just users, which of course is good - but - we could use some input from time to time.

I doubt this post will get an official response but I'd be interested if other users would like a global record defeat button

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 18 by egilfranzen (210 points)
Yes pleeeease implement this!